Re: Nesting JOIN?, IF and INDEX(MATCH
So…. this works, but hopefully someone else will come along with a more elegant solution. The only way I know to make this work is to manually build up the joins instead of using the JOIN() function.…1 · -
Re: User ability to add rows to form?
This feature has been submitted as a feature request and is currently "on the roadmap". You can add your vote to the post if you feel it would be beneficial. @Paul Newcome also has an excel…1 · -
Re: HELP!! Needing to subtract just one from this formula
You have a small error with your parentheses, this should fix it: ="2021-2022 Total Contracts: " + (COUNTIFS([Start Date]:[Start Date], AND(@cell >= DATE(2021, 1, 1), @cell <= DATE(20…1 · -
Re: Duplicates in formula-generated column
I set up a duplicate of your exact sheet and was able to duplicate your results. I'm not exactly sure how/why, but there appears to be some confusion when parsing entries in your Device ID column as …1 · -
Re: Checkbox Formula Not Working in Metrics Sheet
Checkboxes are treated as 1 and 0. 1 = checked, 0 = unchecked True: =COUNTIF({checkbox 1}, 1) False: =COUNTIF({checkbox 1}, 0)1 ·